

I'm 17 and I'm from Scotland - I love fashion, so decided to start a blog about some of my outfits, because I love styling things in different ways, plus on a budget!  Living in Scotland means that the weather is mostly more than a little chilly, so I have to adapt my clothes to suit it!

I'm obsessed with trends, as I think that you should try anything once, but I also believe that its best to work things to suit you and your style: as long as you're happy, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks - and being happy is the most important thing, isn't it?

Still being at school and living in a smaller town can make it a bit harder when it comes to fashion - not everyone always gets it the way you do! - but I still try to be experimental whilst making things wearable; where you live shouldn't dictate how you dress!

My style changes all the time, to the point where you can't really describe it because it varies so much from day to day!  Everyone likes different things, so my mantra is if I like it, then I'll wear it!

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